Monday, October 21, 2013

Lose Weight Fast System for Women

Hello & Welcome!

Today I am going to introduce to You the most innovative Lose Weight Fast System ever created.

It is best known as The Venus Factor.

John Barban.pngThe Venus Factor program is a fitness and nutrition plan for women who want to change their physique and achieve different body dimensions and ratios between their various body parts. The program was created by John Barban, a nutrition and fitness expert who is known for his in-depth analysis and writing on health and fitness.

First, the Venus Factor is a body transformation program for woman only. Its purpose is to develop an hourglass figure, so it is shoulder intensive. The rep range for Venus Factor is between 10-12 reps, so it does emphasize building muscle while burning fat. All workouts are executed a circuit manner with a 60 second rest between exercises.

The the program includes a 12 week sequential workout and exercise plan that will take women from fat to fit in a short three months, the diet and weight management manual where they have the ability to learn all the important stuff about female fat loss, and a clever app called Virtual Nutritionist that will calculate the exact protein and calorie requirements that women have to get the body they've always dreamed of. Users are also taken to The Venus Community, a private 'online members' area where they can interact with others on the program and can even start their own blog or join in the forums for as much interaction as they please. The Venus Index Podcast is the place to go to get the inside story on others who've followed this workout program and diet plan to success.

"Ladies, if you've got in excess of 10lbs to lose and you would like to lose it completely and even get fit in the process, then Venus Factor is exactly what you will need to achieve your goal. You can simply follow the dietary aspects of the program and get some damn good results simultaneously. The results are so dramatically different from anything you may have tried before. Venus Factor takes us back to the basics of weight-loss. It strips away all the misinformation that you've probably ingested and tried in many shapes and forms, and gets right into the nitty gritty that's essential if you want to burn fat and lose it for forever.".

Those wishing to purchase Venus Factor, or for more information, click the image above.